How do we absolutely know when we’re ready to race? Today, we look at how athletes produce non-objective expectations and why that can build unwelcome anxiety. We tend to want concrete answers, but that’s just not possible. At some point we just have to do it. This goes with many things in life beyond racing. We get into rewiring pathways to create more confidence and reduce doubt. We look at small decisions along the way in training that build confidence. We also talk about practicing getting over the little humps and how small decisions create positive momentum.
Mike Tarrolly -
Robbie Bruce -
There’s a lot of good stuff in the weeds of today’s listener questions. Today we get into simplifying a complicated sport, timing mats, and if we’ll do Musselman some day. We also look at DNF rates across the sport, and why they seem more prevalent. We also give strategy for the Ironman Wisconsin bike Course, talk about ways to beat burnout and Ironman Blues, along with Kona 2023 and why Robbie’s son Hayden is a fan of Kristian Blummenfelt.
Mike Tarrolly -
Robbie Bruce -
A lot of things go through your mind with an Ironman approaching and today, we go through Mike’s big “test” weekend from Wisconsin. He talks about why he’s waiting to decide and how close he is to pulling the trigger. We also talk about Ohio, which turned out to be a tough swim, then dive right into a “tough love” session about swimming and how you can be more prepared to race. We break down tons of in-race issues and decisions you can make to race better along with question why Ironman is always trying to make the swim seem “easy.” Be mentally and physically ready to race by exposing yourself to what it’s going to take on the course.
Mike Tarrolly -
Robbie Bruce -
Everyone wants to talk about diet, hydration, and sleep, but what about feeling connected to life, training, and purpose? Today, we look at how connecting, not only to others, but to your body and true desires can give you the lessons you need to be successful in sport and life. We get into how to approach training with the idea that you’re on the verge of getting sick. How to approach fatigue and the feeling of illness coming on. We talk about the importance of minimal effective dose and why that’s so important for the long run. If you want to go fast, go alone, if you want to go far, bring other people with you. There’s a lot of power in walking away from something that is done versus continuing to add more and more layers.
Mike Tarrolly -
Robbie Bruce -
This is our 600th podcast, but there’s no fanfare… we just keep showing up. We started doing only Monday and Thursday, but sometimes that didn’t always work out for us and staying too regimented could made us lose steam. Be flexible, recover, do what’s right for the long-term growth. Today we dive into mid-season training and how tough it can be to stay motivated when you might not be seeing a ton of progress in the heat. We look at ways to find the little wins that keep you going toward the big goals. We talk about subtle clues, and training relative to how you feel. Also talk about ways to reframe your days off and maximize recovery days. We do this to be healthy and happy, so learn to appreciate how triathlon is helping you on a day to day level.
Mike Tarrolly -
Robbie Bruce -
How much are you learning during training? Today we talk about the connection between training and racing.
We really get into race execution and strategy and how workouts should prepare you to make the best decisions when it matters. Are you a trainer or gamer? The most “trained up” don’t necessarily make the best tracers. It’s all about execution on the race course. How will what you’re doing now affect you later? Both in training and racing. We also look at 3 types of training athletes and break down the type of athlete that races the best.
Mike Tarrolly -
Robbie Bruce -
Today we revisit our why and how it can be difficult to keep the right perspective on why we do hard things. For a lot of people “easy” is the new “right” but triathletes take the hard route. The mind will give out before the body and there are hundreds of triggers telling you to stop or quit. The “told you so” folks are always out there. This has to be your journey and there’s a lot more reward from choosing the tougher path. Don’t be afraid to fail. Throw yourself to the elements and be alive.
Mike Tarrolly -
Robbie Bruce -
We had some fun today with visiting some memories of our C26 Journey and facing some tough questions from each other. It’s a glimpse into some of our favorite times together, some glimpses into the future, along with tackling regrets. What would we want in our ideal worlds?
Robbie asks Mike: When all is said and done, what is the one memory you’ll take with you after you retire from C26?
Mike asks Robbie: I know it was kind of a rough year, but there were also some good memories…. What were some of your favorite things about coaching me to my first Ironman in 2013?
Robbie asks Mike: If cost or time wasn’t an issue, what would be the very last race you would choose to do?
Mike asks Robbie: If you weren’t a triathlon coach…. What would you choose for your career outside of sports and why?
Robbie asks Mike: After all you’ve accomplished in sports and life, what’s your biggest regret?
Mike asks Robbie: As Hayden has already determined, you’re a triathlete COACH, but … in a different world…. Describe for me your ultimate triathlon living situation as an athlete…
Robbie asks Mike: Will you be racing this year?
Mike asks Robbie: Would you rather Fly to Australia …. Or sit in an isolated room listening to Stephen A Smith talk about Alabama Football and Tom Brady for 24 hours?
Robbie asks Mike: Would you rather swim Ironman Wisconsin without a wetsuit or bike Wisconsin in a speedo?
Mike Tarrolly -
Robbie Bruce -
Do you ever feel like you don’t belong? Today we open up about how that affects us as coaches and athletes, along with those we coach. Triathlon can be a daunting journey at times, but we’ll look at how reframing how we think can help us appreciate that we’re all doing something amazing, and something most people wouldn’t have the courage to try. We get into doubt, confidence, and why this sport can feel even harder the longer you’re into it. Is someone else living in your head? The sweetest revenge is living a good life.
Mike Tarrolly -
Robbie Bruce -
Today we look at how things in the modern world affect training and more specifically our schedules. Working at home can create more time, but it adds challenges. The traditional Monday through Sunday training schedule can be flipped upside down. We’ll look at how adjustments can and should be made to make your life and training easier, but also more effective. We also get into the murky territory of over-training and how that is usually the number one reason for slow race times and DNFs.
1. Don't try to fit a square peg into a round hole
2. If the usual schedule does not fit for you, find a new one.
3. Maximize time and efficiency (give examples)
4. Work in microcycles that also fit the big picture
5. Understand your limitations, then maximize your availability and align with expectations
6.. Don't be afraid of doing something different.
Mike Tarrolly -
Robbie Bruce -
We’re back from Nashville Camp and have a lot of observations. We get into growth, courage, and confidence, specifically as it comes to getting out of your comfort zone. We talk about challenges and how they can be the key to happiness. We also get into some of our personal struggles. Mike and Robbie talk about how they have a tendency to waste their potential as athletes. We also look at how finding a groove in your least favorite of the 3 disciplines can be the catalyst in making you a stronger athlete. We all need to have courage and face risks in training. We need to take things day to day and roll with the unexpected.
Mike Tarrolly -
Robbie Bruce -
Today is mostly about swimming in open water, specifically how to be faster. How do you deal with the elements? Are you swimming straight, making micro adjustments too much? Sometimes you just need to have a solid stroke and swim. We also discuss the possibilities of new Camps in Wisconsin, tri bike vs. road bike adjustments, and why you shouldn’t be so literal in your training.
Mike Tarrolly -
Robbie Bruce -
Great questions today from our listeners, but we start with attitude is a choice and how to gives ourselves little adjustments. Then we get into bike nutrition and how to approach aid stations. Robbie talks about challenges of training in the summer as a parent. Mike talks about his move to Wisconsin and finding new races, experiences. We also get into cycling strength and power with a hill/big gear workout discussion. And if you’re training for Ironman how you work in Olympics and Sprints along the way while keeping Volume. Finally, should you go into Ironman with a Walk/Run strategy?
Mike Tarrolly -
Robbie Bruce -
All the algorithms in the world won’t help if you don’t do the work. And you must LOVE the work. When it comes to lang haul training, we need to minimize the risks, find joy and invest in your ability to be fit. What is fitness if it’s not feeling good? Many triathletes are all in or all out, but today we talk about staying baseline ready and doing things that feel right. “Brand new” usually isn’t the answer. Today, we’re here to tell you, the simple things still work.
Mike Tarrolly -
Robbie Bruce -
“Once you get too hot, it’s too late.” Today we get into the challenges and benefits of heat training. We go into when and how to train, plus explain how getting outside when it’s hot is a win. We also look at the parallels between heat training and racing. What you can learn from giving yourself time to check your system and why that is everything in racing. Dehydration, cold showers, and negative split mentality. Racing is all about connecting the links in the chain and we’ll explain how the lower paces in heat will help you do better down the road when it matters.
Mike Tarrolly -
Robbie Bruce -
We catch some flack for giving Data a hard time, but the reality is, we like data, especially when it’s practical. We also love RPE and effort training. Today we look at how they can merge to make you stronger, faster, and . . . happier with your training and racing. We love open water training, but we also love the pool…. Open road… and trainer… treadmill and trails. It all combines in this beautiful mixture of satisfaction and better training. How do we mix the modern tech with old school ways?
Mike and Robbie have settled in their new locations and focus on creating routine in the middle of chaos. They get into the concepts of simplicity, rigidity and how to make the most of your current situation. They also look at subtle ways to train the mind for racing demands, letting go of responsibilities while you train, and why boring routes can be an advantage in training. Don’t be fooled by perfection, do it now.
Mike Tarrolly:
Robbie Bruce:
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Mike Tarrolly:
Robbie Bruce:
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Check out our coaches:
Mike Tarrolly:
Robbie Bruce:
“You begin saving the world by saving one person at a time; all else is grandiose romanticism or politics.” – Charles Bukowski
We start with thoughts about an Ironman finish line and the emotions that run through people in that moment.
It’s really a magical place and you can see that “I overcame life in that moment” on people’s faces. Then we dive into how to affect change in this world and why it starts with yourself. We look at our personal battles and being proactive at being better. It’s not about new bikes and gear, but how we can renew ourselves. It’s easy to blame the world, but we can fold the cards we have and ask for a new deck at anytime. Be committed to yourself and let triathlon enhance your human experience.
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Mike Tarrolly:
Robbie Bruce:
We had a great weekend here in Chattanooga with over 50 athletes racing. Today, we look back on the event and give you some insight into why you may have had a good or a bad race. We talk about our first experience as Ironman vendors, the water temperature flux, the heat, hills, and winds, etc… But we really get into HOW TO RACE a 70.3. We look at what it means to burn your biscuits vs. just toasting them a little. Also, how you can gauge your process and learn from mistakes. We also talk about fueling, why it is so tricky in a 70.3 and how to better simulate racing conditions before you race. Lots of great stuff in here about the inner workings of a 70.3 race. Thanks for stopping by our booth. It was great to meet everyone!
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Mike Tarrolly:
Robbie Bruce:
Note: Be sure to stop by the C26 Tent at the Ironman Chattanooga 70.3 expo.
Today is sort of part 2 for Chattanooga 70.3 with a heavy emphasis on swimming, including breathing, rhythm, cadence, and finding your stroke. Also lots of thoughts on the race along with proper training for YOUR body. We look at why most injuries happen, how to work on your balance, and most importantly, how to not overthink what you’re doing in the pool, on the bike, or while running. So much of this sport is being in the moment and by the time you “think” to do something, it’s probably too late. Good luck everyone!
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Mike Tarrolly:
Robbie Bruce:
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Check out our coaches:
Mike Tarrolly:
Robbie Bruce:
We dig a little deeper into St. George, and today’s focus is on the Age Group Athlete experience. We break down the bike, the wind, the heat, and the death march of a run. We also discuss the idea of going into a race that you know you won’t PR. How does that impact your mindset, how can you learn, and how will it make you a better athlete? We also get into the post race emotion of such a tough race and the challenge of getting through the Ironman Rut.
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Mike Tarrolly:
Robbie Bruce:
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Check out our coaches:
Mike Tarrolly:
Robbie Bruce: