Ohhhhh the guilt. Let’s get this shit taken care of once and for all…..Do we miss a workout, or miss fun with our family and friends? The triathlete’s dilemma. Today, we go deep into how our decisions. How they effect our training, racing, and lives. We get into the rivalries in our heads, not feeling good enough, and being hard on ourselves. You can’t do it all, but you can do what’s right for you and makes you more whole as a person.
Topics: - Favorite #5
- Coaching Time Allocations
- Training Peaks is a confessional
- You Can’t Do It All
- The guilt of missing out on life/training
- Having someone to troubleshoot with
- Workouts that bring you to tears
- Triathletes are hard on themselves
- Internal struggles and childhood
- There’s not really a wrong
- How do you make yourself whole?
- Constantly behind the 8-Ball
- Denial of emotional and mental turmoil
- Rivalries in your head
- Burt Biscuit Cafe
- We don’t feel like we’re good enough
- Stimulation of Crowds
- Get rid of the clutter
- Be cool with who you are
- Reframe your Sentence - I want to be . . .
- You are not a triathlete first
- What sacrifices are you willing to make?
- What’s it take to be the best?
- Coach Mike is accepting full-time athletes. Please check out the benefits of Customized Weekly Coaching here or contact Mike directly at: CrushingIron@gmail.com
- Registration is still open for the C26 Club Training Program. Take the worry and stress out of your next year of planning, recovering, taper, etc. The Club membership is good for 12 months from sign up. For more information, please visit www.C26Triathlon.com/the-c26-club
- Looking for a swim analysis, personalized zones for training, and an awesome experience? Check out our New C26 Hub Training Center in Chattanooga.
- C26 Gear is now available (for a limited time) at www.c26triathlon.com/c26-store A great way to support the podcast!
- Looking for an awesome coach? Check out our team of awesome coaches on our Coaching Page on C26Triathlon.com
Big Shout out to podcast listener and Wordpress designer Bobby Hughes for helping get the new c26triathlon.com off the ground. If you like what you see and may need a website, check out Bobby’s work at https://hughesdesign.co/
You can also slide by www.crushingiron.com which is now the official blog page for the podcast. Community and coaching information are at www.c26triathlon.com
Our 2020 C26 Camps are sold out (other than swim camp) Find out more on our Camps Page.
If you'd like to support the Crushing Iron Podcast, hit up our Pledge Page and help us keep this podcast on the rails. Thanks in advance!
Are you thinking about raising your game or getting started in triathlon with a coach? Check out our Crushing Iron Coaching Philosophy Video
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For information on the C26 Coach’s Eye custom swim analysis, coaching, or training camps email: C26Coach@gmail.com
Facebook: CrushingIron
YouTube: Crushing Iron
Twitter: CrushingIron
Instagram: C26_Triathlon
Mike Tarrolly - crushingiron@gmail.com
Robbie Bruce - c26coach@gmail.com