We are super pumped about Ironman World Championships in St. George. It’s fresh, it’s new for everyone, and the course will be a big challenge for pros and age groups alike. Today we look at some course strategy, the pro field including predictions, and why this will be such a cool race to watch. This course will be the ultimate test of patience for triathletes and you may be surprised by what type of athlete should do well. Don’t burn your biscuits on the bike if you’re racing. The run course could prove daunting.
Buy C26 Gear Here: https://c26triathlon.com/c26-store/
Check out our coaches: https://c26triathlon.com/meet-the-coaches/
Mike Tarrolly: CrushingIron@gmail.com
Robbie Bruce: C26Coach@gmail.com
Today we look at how a triathlete’s approach and thought patterns affect them over the long run. Almost like getting faster without trying so hard. Triathlon training is about staying within yourself and building long stretches of “good” workouts. We look at the guilt of woulda and shoulda’s and look at why we might want to feel more grateful we even have the opportunity to use training as an option. Irresponsible expectations meet the ability to accept the idea that, “that just felt good.” In reality, how fast would you have to be to be happy and content? Will there ever be contentment without realizing and accepting that things are going the way they should be?
Buy C26 Gear Here: https://c26triathlon.com/c26-store/
Check out our coaches: https://c26triathlon.com/meet-the-coaches/
Mike Tarrolly: CrushingIron@gmail.com
Robbie Bruce: C26Coach@gmail.com
Ironman is never easy and Texas 2022 was no exception. Today we go over lessons learned and how they can be applied to any race. We look at dealing with wind, virtual training, and heat, but also get into the differences between training and exercising, how to practice patience, and overtraining. If you’re racing outside you need to train outside, a lot.
Buy C26 Gear Here: https://c26triathlon.com/c26-store/
Check out our coaches:Â https://c26triathlon.com/meet-the-coaches/
Mike Tarrolly: CrushingIron@gmail.com
Robbie Bruce: C26Coach@gmail.com
This was a tough one to do as Coach Robbie says goodbye to his best buddy, Kona. The bond between a man and his dog runs deep, and today Robbie shares his heartbreak, struggles and vulnerability. Ultimately it's a story of sweet girl who stood by through the highest highs and lowest lows -- always with unconditional love.
Buy C26 Gear Here: https://c26triathlon.com/c26-store/
Check out our coaches: https://c26triathlon.com/meet-the-coaches/
Mike Tarrolly: CrushingIron@gmail.com
Robbie Bruce: C26Coach@gmail.com
Today we focus on Ironman Texas strategy, but this podcast is great for anyone racing an Ironman, especially when it’s hot. We always talk about not obsessing about the weather, but when you know it might be hot, it’s smart to prepare. We look at all kinds of hot racing strategies, talk about why Texas is a sneaky challenging course, and why you will want to prepare to suffer. This is a C26 Team race, so be sure to say hi out on the course.
Buy C26 Gear Here: https://c26triathlon.com/c26-store/
Check out our coaches: https://c26triathlon.com/meet-the-coaches/
Mike Tarrolly: CrushingIron@gmail.com
Robbie Bruce: C26Coach@gmail.com
We start by looking at our “big” training weekends and what we learned. It turns into an interesting discussion about energy expenditure during a race and when to cash in your energy chips. We look at how digging deep teaches you to be a better racer, how to measure and understand your run economy, and how most people spend money (energy) on the bike that they don’t have.
Buy C26 Gear Here: https://c26triathlon.com/c26-store/
Check out our coaches: https://c26triathlon.com/meet-the-coaches/
Mike Tarrolly: CrushingIron@gmail.com
Robbie Bruce: C26Coach@gmail.com
Peaking, Burning Matches, Taper, Open Water Swimming.
More great questions from listeners, including how close together can an athlete burn matches on races? We look at peak training, what it means and what it should feel like going into taper. A deeper look into the theory of taper and if you need less or more. Older athlete discussion involving strength and speed vs. endurance. We also dive deep into open water swimming and how to prepare for the conditions in a pool.
Mike Tarrolly - CrushingIron@gmail.com
Robbie Bruce - C26Coach@gmail.com
Back in Chattanooga with some great questions from the listeners. Fueling for Ironman bike, Heart Rate variability in sleep, HR testing, how much and when, Bike cleat fits, riding in wind, compact chain rings, prep vs. build, how to run the IM marathon, and playing mind games with yourself.
Race Season is here and it’s easy to get caught up in the things you didn’t do, but we’re here to tell you, you’ve done hard work and what matters is what you do with it next. Well, that and having fun in a sport that we PAY to do. We look at “PR Mentality” and how it can hurt your training and racing. We get into comparing courses year to year. And we also get into the “Gallon of Gas” analogy that simplifies strategy and may be all you need on race day.
Mike Tarrolly - crushingiron@gmail.com
Robbie Bruce - c26Coach@gmail.com
Races can unfold as a series of flight or fight episodes, so how will you deal? Not giving too much, but not giving too little is a fine line, so it’s good to know your body, mind, and understand effort. Today, we look at how to approach a race, how training should line up, and how you can mentally approach the day for your best performance. Did you really give it your all . . . or did you back down?
Mike Tarrolly - crushingiron@gmail.com
Robbie Bruce - c26coach@gmail.com
"I am not interested in how much somebody is doing? I am very interested in how they're doing it because that's what changes the quality of who we are."
- Sadhguru
vacation training
let it fit in your life
the mirage of control
how long is your ride?
sitting is stress
how do you react to life?
prisoner of the moment
lightning in a bottle
how are you doing it?
yoga as a training mentality
don’t try to hit winners
sending positive messages to yourself
fitness interest
stay the course
texas 70.3
riding with wind
oceanside 70.3 pros predictions
watch on tv
A lot of triathletes seem to be more comfortable climbing out of holes versus climbing the actual mountain. Why do we set traps and get caught in short term excitement? Today we look at mental strategies to stay in the moment while focused on the long term. We also look at heat acclimation techniques, including why many athletes sacrifice fitness to “be ready” for the heat. Training so you can train like you need to train. And approaching today to set up tomorrow.
Whether it’s a workout, race, or big life decision, following your heart is usually a good rule of thumb. Doing what makes you happy is the key to feeling free, training free, and racing free. Today, Mike and Robbie talk about their big news to pull up stakes in Chattanooga. They look back at what was a great decision, but didn’t quite check all the boxes. They look at why they are excited for the new chapter how they believe it will be even better for the C26 Community.
Anyone can come up with an excuse, but people who thrive in life figure out ways to get things done. Triathlon comes down to being a strong, durable and resilient athlete. That doesn't happen overnight or one spur of the moment 50 mile ultra. It takes the ability to be satisfied and happy with a lot of "average" days. How do we find the energy to be motivated for today and looking forward to tomorrow?
Big Shout out to podcast listener and Wordpress designer Bobby Hughes for helping get the new c26triathlon.com off the ground. If you like what you see and may need a website, check out Bobby’s work at https://hughesdesign.co/
You can also slide by www.crushingiron.com which is now the official blog page for the podcast. Community and coaching information are at www.c26triathlon.com
Our 2020 C26 Camps are sold out (other than swim camp) Find out more on our Camps Page.
If you'd like to support the Crushing Iron Podcast, hit up our Pledge Page and help us keep this podcast on the rails. Thanks in advance!
Are you thinking about raising your game or getting started in triathlon with a coach? Check out our Crushing Iron Coaching Philosophy Video
Please subscribe and rate Crushing Iron on YouTube and iTunes.
For information on the C26 Coach’s Eye custom swim analysis, coaching, or training camps email: C26Coach@gmail.com
Facebook: CrushingIron
YouTube: Crushing Iron
Pacing is an art and we can all get better. Today, we get into changing and acclimating to the conditions and learning more from your workouts. We talk about being paralyzed by the numbers on the fly and why it’s best to react later. Real world environments. Training inside vs. Outside. Breath and Rhythm, along with a little March Madness and Clash Miami.
Big Shout out to podcast listener and Wordpress designer Bobby Hughes for helping get the new c26triathlon.com off the ground. If you like what you see and may need a website, check out Bobby’s work at https://hughesdesign.co/
You can also slide by www.crushingiron.com which is now the official blog page for the podcast. Community and coaching information are at www.c26triathlon.com
Our 2020 C26 Camps are sold out (other than swim camp) Find out more on our Camps Page.
If you'd like to support the Crushing Iron Podcast, hit up our Pledge Page and help us keep this podcast on the rails. Thanks in advance!
Are you thinking about raising your game or getting started in triathlon with a coach? Check out our Crushing Iron Coaching Philosophy Video
Please subscribe and rate Crushing Iron on YouTube and iTunes.
For information on the C26 Coach’s Eye custom swim analysis, coaching, or training camps email: C26Coach@gmail.com
Facebook: CrushingIron
YouTube: Crushing Iron
Twitter: CrushingIron
Instagram: C26_Triathlon
Mike Tarrolly - crushingiron@gmail.com
Robbie Bruce - c26coach@gmail.com
The truth is, you don’t want to lose your race in the training. Today we look at the correlation between over-training and under-recovering. We get into the life stress connection and how low-level problems can carry a heavy load. We look at running shoes, changing your vibration, training warning signs, how to pull back or dig in, alcohol, food, water, and training with HR AND Power.
Big Shout out to podcast listener and Wordpress designer Bobby Hughes for helping get the new c26triathlon.com off the ground. If you like what you see and may need a website, check out Bobby’s work at https://hughesdesign.co/
You can also slide by www.crushingiron.com which is now the official blog page for the podcast. Community and coaching information are at www.c26triathlon.com
Our 2020 C26 Camps are sold out (other than swim camp) Find out more on our Camps Page.
If you'd like to support the Crushing Iron Podcast, hit up our Pledge Page and help us keep this podcast on the rails. Thanks in advance!
Are you thinking about raising your game or getting started in triathlon with a coach? Check out our Crushing Iron Coaching Philosophy Video
Please subscribe and rate Crushing Iron on YouTube and iTunes.
For information on the C26 Coach’s Eye custom swim analysis, coaching, or training camps email: C26Coach@gmail.com
Facebook: CrushingIron
YouTube: Crushing Iron
Twitter: CrushingIron
Instagram: C26_Triathlon
Mike Tarrolly - crushingiron@gmail.com
Robbie Bruce - c26coach@gmail.com
Imagine if, like basketball in March Madness, this race might be the last triathlon of your life. How would you handle the pressure? Would you have a nothing to lose mentality filled with grace, or would you be uptight and stressed. Today, we look at the many different ways we can clear our mind, respect the moment, and take advantage of our ability. There are no guarantees in life, it’s up to us to let go of fear, be in the moment, and explore our opportunities.
Big Shout out to podcast listener and Wordpress designer Bobby Hughes for helping get the new c26triathlon.com off the ground. If you like what you see and may need a website, check out Bobby’s work at https://hughesdesign.co/
You can also slide by www.crushingiron.com which is now the official blog page for the podcast. Community and coaching information are at www.c26triathlon.com
Our 2020 C26 Camps are sold out (other than swim camp) Find out more on our Camps Page.
If you'd like to support the Crushing Iron Podcast, hit up our Pledge Page and help us keep this podcast on the rails. Thanks in advance!
Are you thinking about raising your game or getting started in triathlon with a coach? Check out our Crushing Iron Coaching Philosophy Video
Please subscribe and rate Crushing Iron on YouTube and iTunes.
For information on the C26 Coach’s Eye custom swim analysis, coaching, or training camps email: C26Coach@gmail.com
Facebook: CrushingIron
YouTube: Crushing Iron
Twitter: CrushingIron
Instagram: C26_Triathlon
Mike Tarrolly - crushingiron@gmail.com
Robbie Bruce - c26coach@gmail.com
The reasons we do triathlon tends to change and it's good to explore the questions. What makes you happy and feel good? Today, we look at how our why evolves, and how a clear understanding of the process can make training and life more enjoyable. Do you want to keep doing triathlon or is it a phase? Does your “why” put too much pressure on you. How under training can make you a better athlete. And how to not be irresponsible with yourself.
Big Shout out to podcast listener and Wordpress designer Bobby Hughes for helping get the new c26triathlon.com off the ground. If you like what you see and may need a website, check out Bobby’s work at https://hughesdesign.co/
You can also slide by www.crushingiron.com which is now the official blog page for the podcast. Community and coaching information are at www.c26triathlon.com
Our 2020 C26 Camps are sold out (other than swim camp) Find out more on our Camps Page.
If you'd like to support the Crushing Iron Podcast, hit up our Pledge Page and help us keep this podcast on the rails. Thanks in advance!
Are you thinking about raising your game or getting started in triathlon with a coach? Check out our Crushing Iron Coaching Philosophy Video
Please subscribe and rate Crushing Iron on YouTube and iTunes.
For information on the C26 Coach’s Eye custom swim analysis, coaching, or training camps email: C26Coach@gmail.com
Facebook: CrushingIron
YouTube: Crushing Iron
Twitter: CrushingIron
Instagram: C26_Triathlon
Mike Tarrolly - crushingiron@gmail.com
Robbie Bruce - c26coach@gmail.com
Racing should feel like “business” as usual so it's up to us to create race situations ahead of time. Today we get into the differences between training indoors and outdoors, why swimming matters for the bike, and responding to race adversity. Triathlon is about energy expenditure and so many little things go into your race, including stress, and upper body fatigue. Paper Tigers tend to roll over when faced with unexpected challenges.The way we respond to life and racing is ultimately on us.
Big Shout out to podcast listener and Wordpress designer Bobby Hughes for helping get the new c26triathlon.com off the ground. If you like what you see and may need a website, check out Bobby’s work at https://hughesdesign.co/
You can also slide by www.crushingiron.com which is now the official blog page for the podcast. Community and coaching information are at www.c26triathlon.com
Our 2020 C26 Camps are sold out (other than swim camp) Find out more on our Camps Page.
If you'd like to support the Crushing Iron Podcast, hit up our Pledge Page and help us keep this podcast on the rails. Thanks in advance!
Are you thinking about raising your game or getting started in triathlon with a coach? Check out our Crushing Iron Coaching Philosophy Video
Please subscribe and rate Crushing Iron on YouTube and iTunes.
For information on the C26 Coach’s Eye custom swim analysis, coaching, or training camps email: C26Coach@gmail.com
Facebook: CrushingIron
YouTube: Crushing Iron
Twitter: CrushingIron
Instagram: C26_Triathlon
Mike Tarrolly - crushingiron@gmail.com
Robbie Bruce - c26coach@gmail.com
Training is about working harder to make the race easier. Today we look at how to work on things that matter so you can race on the offensive. We also get into turning your eye inward instead of on endless distractions. We're feeling the race season closing in. Today is a good push to help you find your groove.
Big Shout out to podcast listener and Wordpress designer Bobby Hughes for helping get the new c26triathlon.com off the ground. If you like what you see and may need a website, check out Bobby’s work at https://hughesdesign.co/
You can also slide by www.crushingiron.com which is now the official blog page for the podcast. Community and coaching information are at www.c26triathlon.com
Our 2020 C26 Camps are sold out (other than swim camp) Find out more on our Camps Page.
If you'd like to support the Crushing Iron Podcast, hit up our Pledge Page and help us keep this podcast on the rails. Thanks in advance!
Are you thinking about raising your game or getting started in triathlon with a coach? Check out our Crushing Iron Coaching Philosophy Video
Please subscribe and rate Crushing Iron on YouTube and iTunes.
For information on the C26 Coach’s Eye custom swim analysis, coaching, or training camps email: C26Coach@gmail.com
Facebook: CrushingIron
YouTube: Crushing Iron
Twitter: CrushingIron
Instagram: C26_Triathlon
Mike Tarrolly - crushingiron@gmail.com
Robbie Bruce - c26coach@gmail.com
Can we get our old speed back? And is that even the right way to think about faster racing? Today, we look at how to think about racing and what being fast really means in triathlon. We look at the concept of slowing down the least, how pacing plays into speed, and how sometimes going faster simply means letting go. We look at being “good sore” and how going faster can feel “easier” but comes with a catch.
Big Shout out to podcast listener and Wordpress designer Bobby Hughes for helping get the new c26triathlon.com off the ground. If you like what you see and may need a website, check out Bobby’s work at https://hughesdesign.co/
You can also slide by www.crushingiron.com which is now the official blog page for the podcast. Community and coaching information are at www.c26triathlon.com
Our 2020 C26 Camps are sold out (other than swim camp) Find out more on our Camps Page.
If you'd like to support the Crushing Iron Podcast, hit up our Pledge Page and help us keep this podcast on the rails. Thanks in advance!
Are you thinking about raising your game or getting started in triathlon with a coach? Check out our Crushing Iron Coaching Philosophy Video
Please subscribe and rate Crushing Iron on YouTube and iTunes.
For information on the C26 Coach’s Eye custom swim analysis, coaching, or training camps email: C26Coach@gmail.com
Facebook: CrushingIron
YouTube: Crushing Iron
Twitter: CrushingIron
Instagram: C26_Triathlon
Mike Tarrolly - crushingiron@gmail.com
Robbie Bruce - c26coach@gmail.com
Do you feel rigid or low-key anxiety about life, training, or your job? Is it hard to “go off script” and just let go? Today, we get into why the drive for perfectionism can make things worse and how getting out of your comfort zone can make you a better athlete. We get into Mike’s college frat and constant fear of getting fired along Robbie’s table waiting and rehab days. All focused on how extracurricular activity makes you a more well rounded triathlete.
Big Shout out to podcast listener and Wordpress designer Bobby Hughes for helping get the new c26triathlon.com off the ground. If you like what you see and may need a website, check out Bobby’s work at https://hughesdesign.co/
You can also slide by www.crushingiron.com which is now the official blog page for the podcast. Community and coaching information are at www.c26triathlon.com
Our 2020 C26 Camps are sold out (other than swim camp) Find out more on our Camps Page.
If you'd like to support the Crushing Iron Podcast, hit up our Pledge Page and help us keep this podcast on the rails. Thanks in advance!
Are you thinking about raising your game or getting started in triathlon with a coach? Check out our Crushing Iron Coaching Philosophy Video
Please subscribe and rate Crushing Iron on YouTube and iTunes.
For information on the C26 Coach’s Eye custom swim analysis, coaching, or training camps email: C26Coach@gmail.com
Facebook: CrushingIron
YouTube: Crushing Iron
Twitter: CrushingIron
Instagram: C26_Triathlon
Mike Tarrolly - crushingiron@gmail.com
Robbie Bruce - c26coach@gmail.com
Sometimes we have to have tough conversations with ourselves. Are we being too soft? Or do we have to dig deeper and figure out what the real problem is? Today, we look at race excitement, how we can thrive, and making the best decisions for our own satisfaction. We can’t optimize everything, so we have tough choices. Often it’s better to remove something than add more to your life. Marketing to insecurities and the power of ignorance.
Big Shout out to podcast listener and Wordpress designer Bobby Hughes for helping get the new c26triathlon.com off the ground. If you like what you see and may need a website, check out Bobby’s work at https://hughesdesign.co/
You can also slide by www.crushingiron.com which is now the official blog page for the podcast. Community and coaching information are at www.c26triathlon.com
Our 2020 C26 Camps are sold out (other than swim camp) Find out more on our Camps Page.
If you'd like to support the Crushing Iron Podcast, hit up our Pledge Page and help us keep this podcast on the rails. Thanks in advance!
Are you thinking about raising your game or getting started in triathlon with a coach? Check out our Crushing Iron Coaching Philosophy Video
Please subscribe and rate Crushing Iron on YouTube and iTunes.
For information on the C26 Coach’s Eye custom swim analysis, coaching, or training camps email: C26Coach@gmail.com
Facebook: CrushingIron
YouTube: Crushing Iron
Twitter: CrushingIron
Instagram: C26_Triathlon
Mike Tarrolly - crushingiron@gmail.com
Robbie Bruce - c26coach@gmail.com
Big Shout out to podcast listener and Wordpress designer Bobby Hughes for helping get the new c26triathlon.com off the ground. If you like what you see and may need a website, check out Bobby’s work at https://hughesdesign.co/
You can also slide by www.crushingiron.com which is now the official blog page for the podcast. Community and coaching information are at www.c26triathlon.com
Our 2020 C26 Camps are sold out (other than swim camp) Find out more on our Camps Page.
If you'd like to support the Crushing Iron Podcast, hit up our Pledge Page and help us keep this podcast on the rails. Thanks in advance!
Are you thinking about raising your game or getting started in triathlon with a coach? Check out our Crushing Iron Coaching Philosophy Video
Please subscribe and rate Crushing Iron on YouTube and iTunes.
For information on the C26 Coach’s Eye custom swim analysis, coaching, or training camps email: C26Coach@gmail.com
Facebook: CrushingIron
YouTube: Crushing Iron
Twitter: CrushingIron
Instagram: C26_Triathlon
Mike Tarrolly - crushingiron@gmail.com
Robbie Bruce - c26coach@gmail.com