
Crushing Iron Triathlon Podcast

Find out why thousands of beginner, intermediate, and advanced athletes are improving their training and racing with accessible, functional and genuine conversation about triathlon. Two coaches, who aren't afraid to laugh at themselves, look for smart and enjoyable solutions in a sport that's often dumb and painful. Mike Tarrolly and Robbie Bruce explore the mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual side of training and racing everything from Ironman to a Sprint. on Monday and Thursday.
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Now displaying: March, 2020
Mar 30, 2020

How are you talking to yourself these days? Does the body buy in with the mind's strategy? Today, we continue to look at the positive and what's going on in our own backyards. We talk about the accumulated fatigue of life, the future of endurance sports, having a true understanding of Zone 2 (and why it's so important), heart rate comparison between cycling and running, when and how to test heart rate and FTP, and most importantly, are you enjoying yourself? 


  • Looking in our own back yard
  • Positive thinking
  • A common human thread
  • Optimism and Realism
  • Who has nothing to gain?
  • An endurance boom in 6 months?
  • Bike shops getting a shot in the arm
  • Ozark
  • How does Mental therapy exercise and fit into a plan?
  • Accumulated fatigue of life
  • Walking, Hiking, and Easy Spinning - Net Gains
  • Mental and Emotional Health > Workouts
  • Training should give you energy not take it
  • Positive Reenforcement Activity
  • Understanding Zone 2
  • Let your mind and body have a conversation
  • Owning your negative split
  • Difference in Run and Bike Zones
  • How do YOU define max heart rate?
  • When you get heart rate “numbers” from a race
  • Comparing cycling to running effort
  • How many zones do you use?
  • The 4 minute test
  • The 20 minute test
  • When you test on a bad day
  • Should you rest for a test?
  • Why to run before you ride
  • One Benefit we’ve found from Social Distancing
  • Are you enjoying yourself?

The C26 Online Hub is now open to the public! Click here to learn more about what's in the Hub and take advantage of our "Pay What You Want" for a limited time.

Looking for an awesome coach this season? Former Professional triathlete, Jessica Jacobs is now coaching for C26 Triathlon. Check out her bio and contact information at our Coaching Page on 

If you're looking for a great custom coaching plan, please check out the new C26 Systems Plan for 2020 at the new Coach Robbie will lay out your entire season (from 12-40 weeks) culminating at your A-Race. Take the confusion out of your entire year for only $499. The package includes team events, access to our online hub resource library, priority camp registration and more. 

Big Shout out to podcast listener and Wordpress designer Bobby Hughes for helping get the new off the ground. If you like what you see and may need a website, check out Bobby’s work at

You can also slide by which is now the official blog page for the podcast. Community and coaching information are at 

Our 2020 C26 Camps are sold out (other than swim camp) Find out more on our Camps Page.

If you'd like to support the Crushing Iron Podcast, hit up our Pledge Page and help us keep this podcast on the rails. Thanks in advance!

Are you thinking about raising your game or getting started in triathlon with a coach? Check out our Crushing Iron Coaching Philosophy Video

Please subscribe and rate Crushing Iron on YouTube and iTunes.

For information on the C26 Coach’s Eye custom swim analysis, coaching, or training camps email:

Facebook: CrushingIron
YouTube: Crushing Iron
Twitter: CrushingIron
Instagram: C26_Triathlon

Mike Tarrolly -
Robbie Bruce -


Mar 26, 2020

Today we open the podcast to Athlete/Listener Questions from our Facebook Group. We hit on how to adjust when your race is canceled, swimming challenges and open water training, and hit on one of Coach's rants about over-dependence on Training Peak graphs and numbers. Meditation. Yoga. Critical thinking. Questions covered below. 


  • You Know your body better than anyone
  • Ask yourself these questions
  • Critical thinking
  • The most overrated graph in Training Peaks
  • The biggest thing you need to wrap around your mind
  • Reframe your mindset
  • In order to peak, you have to shed
  • Stop letting Training Peaks drive your life
  •  Is there a swim workout that can be done in open water or is the workout to just swim. Like 500m easy 500m hard.  – Arin Christiensen
  • Joshua - what is core work we can do?
  • Feel for the water
  • What’s an acceptable lake temperature for swimming?
  •  When your next race has been postponed until the fall. How do you maintain your current gains in fitness until it’s time for the hard work to start leading up to that race? – Erni Quezada
  • This is my question also. I went straight from a 70.3 to Doing Disney’s Dopey challenge and then a month later did 2 half marathons that were each a PR within 7 days...... and now, nothing until October is on the calendar... I don’t want to lose my fitness. – Julia Mayhew
  • What is the biggest challenge that you think athletes are facing right now - staying motivated? under training? overtraining? Nutrition? - and how best to stay on top of it? – Samual “Arthur” Browning
  • You bought a training plan, now what??
  • Nutrition: right now is the time.
  • Ironman is sold?
  • Ironman virtual races for Kona slots?
  • What's an acceptable lake temperature with wet suit, no gloves or boots...
  • This is a question for Mike’re a big advocate for yoga and meditation...i could sure use some guidance for diverting my mental and physical energy away from my hospital right is there a particular individual or app that you’d recommend for a beginner looking to incorporate more yoga or meditation to help reduce stress? Thank you 🙏

The C26 Online Hub is now open to the public! Click here to learn more about what's in the Hub and take advantage of our "Pay What You Want" for a limited time.

Looking for an awesome coach this season? Former Professional triathlete, Jessica Jacobs is now coaching for C26 Triathlon. Check out her bio and contact information at our Coaching Page on 

If you're looking for a great custom coaching plan, please check out the new C26 Systems Plan for 2020 at the new Coach Robbie will lay out your entire season (from 12-40 weeks) culminating at your A-Race. Take the confusion out of your entire year for only $499. The package includes team events, access to our online hub resource library, priority camp registration and more. 

Big Shout out to podcast listener and Wordpress designer Bobby Hughes for helping get the new off the ground. If you like what you see and may need a website, check out Bobby’s work at

You can also slide by which is now the official blog page for the podcast. Community and coaching information are at 

Our 2020 C26 Camps are sold out (other than swim camp) Find out more on our Camps Page.

If you'd like to support the Crushing Iron Podcast, hit up our Pledge Page and help us keep this podcast on the rails. Thanks in advance!

Are you thinking about raising your game or getting started in triathlon with a coach? Check out our Crushing Iron Coaching Philosophy Video

Please subscribe and rate Crushing Iron on YouTube and iTunes.

For information on the C26 Coach’s Eye custom swim analysis, coaching, or training camps email:

Facebook: CrushingIron
YouTube: Crushing Iron
Twitter: CrushingIron
Instagram: C26_Triathlon

Mike Tarrolly -
Robbie Bruce -


Mar 23, 2020

Often our biggest breakthroughs come at a time when we're about to throw in the towel. Now is a great time to learn about yourself and build experience for later. Today we talk about building little wins that pay off down the road and help you become better athletes and humans. There is opportunity in all situations.


  • Everything is fragile
  • More gratitude at races now?
  • Hopeful for more connection
  • Setting precedents
  • When the race is stripped away?
  • Why am I working out again??
  • Hard for motivation
  • Giant shifts in motivation
  • What would you do if there weren’t races??
  • Everything by effort and duration
  • Long-Journey-Apprehension-and-Doubt
  • Ebbs and flows of training
  • Must feel like post-race-but without a race
  • Seidel - sleepers show up at races
  • What’s the opportunity when something looks bad?
  • Testing your metal, not your medal
  • It’s never a bad time to go back to basics
  • When we always want a treat
  • Your worst and best workouts can happen the same week
  • When breakthroughs happen
  • Are you always “searching?”
  • The weathered wise guy or woman
  • Learning through problem solving
  • Sleeping while moving
  • Taking the anxieties out of life and racing
  • Can’t learn if everything goes well


The C26 Online Hub is now open to the public! Click here to learn more about what's in the Hub and take advantage of our "Pay What You Want" for a limited time.

Looking for an awesome coach this season? Former Professional triathlete, Jessica Jacobs is now coaching for C26 Triathlon. Check out her bio and contact information at our Coaching Page on 

If you're looking for a great custom coaching plan, please check out the new C26 Systems Plan for 2020 at the new Coach Robbie will lay out your entire season (from 12-40 weeks) culminating at your A-Race. Take the confusion out of your entire year for only $499. The package includes team events, access to our online hub resource library, priority camp registration and more. 

Big Shout out to podcast listener and Wordpress designer Bobby Hughes for helping get the new off the ground. If you like what you see and may need a website, check out Bobby’s work at

You can also slide by which is now the official blog page for the podcast. Community and coaching information are at 

Our 2020 C26 Camps are sold out (other than swim camp) Find out more on our Camps Page.

If you'd like to support the Crushing Iron Podcast, hit up our Pledge Page and help us keep this podcast on the rails. Thanks in advance!

Are you thinking about raising your game or getting started in triathlon with a coach? Check out our Crushing Iron Coaching Philosophy Video

Please subscribe and rate Crushing Iron on YouTube and iTunes.

For information on the C26 Coach’s Eye custom swim analysis, coaching, or training camps email:

Facebook: CrushingIron
YouTube: Crushing Iron
Twitter: CrushingIron
Instagram: C26_Triathlon

Mike Tarrolly -
Robbie Bruce -


Mar 19, 2020

So much is unpredictable right now, but as triathletes, we've been training for this. We have solved thousands of little problems through training and racing and those are valuable lessons. The human survival loop goes like this: Trigger, behavior, and reward. If that goes Fear, worry, anxiety, we need to figure out how to break the pattern. Today, we get into going from fear ----> productive/positive behaviors that are usually short term sacrifices that create long term gains. 


  • C26 Online Hub Now Open to Public
  • Making sacrifices
  • We are wired for this
  • Endurance for the moment
  • Patience is our strength
  • Short term sacrifice for long term gain
  • Frustration and short fuses
  • Now is the time to adapt
  • The “hunker down” mindset
  • Finding balance in the extremes
  • Spring Cleaning time
  • Fix what you’ve been neglecting
  • Absorb and withstand
  • Weathering the storm
  • How am I gonna get through this?
  • Psychosomatic sickness
  • Let’s make less distractions
  • Robbie’s 90 days without a cell phone
  • Saving spousal units for later in season
  • Do what’s really important
  • That guy or girl in September
  • Your thoughts become your things


The C26 Online Hub is now open to the public! Click here to learn more about what's in the Hub and take advantage of our "Pay What You Want" for a limited time."

Looking for an awesome coach this season? Former Professional triathlete, Jessica Jacobs is now coaching for C26 Triathlon. Check out her bio and contact information at our Coaching Page on 

If you're looking for a great custom coaching plan, please check out the new C26 Systems Plan for 2020 at the new Coach Robbie will lay out your entire season (from 12-40 weeks) culminating at your A-Race. Take the confusion out of your entire year for only $499. The package includes team events, access to our online hub resource library, priority camp registration and more. 

Big Shout out to podcast listener and Wordpress designer Bobby Hughes for helping get the new off the ground. If you like what you see and may need a website, check out Bobby’s work at

You can also slide by which is now the official blog page for the podcast. Community and coaching information are at 

Our 2020 C26 Camps are sold out (other than swim camp) Find out more on our Camps Page.

If you'd like to support the Crushing Iron Podcast, hit up our Pledge Page and help us keep this podcast on the rails. Thanks in advance!

Are you thinking about raising your game or getting started in triathlon with a coach? Check out our Crushing Iron Coaching Philosophy Video

Please subscribe and rate Crushing Iron on YouTube and iTunes.

For information on the C26 Coach’s Eye custom swim analysis, coaching, or training camps email:

Facebook: CrushingIron
YouTube: Crushing Iron
Twitter: CrushingIron
Instagram: C26_Triathlon

Mike Tarrolly -
Robbie Bruce -

Mar 16, 2020

The best laid plans coming apart at the seams, so now what? Race cancelled? Should you ramp up or cut back? It's a stressful time, but also one for opportunity to evolve, grow and transform. Working at home, eating better, no pool, rejuvenating. Today we look at how broken routines can be a great opportunity with the right approach. 


  • An introverts dream come true
  • Don’t be afraid but be smart
  • Race Cancelled - do you test it or step back?
  • Unique times for a coach
  • Having a coach vs. a training plan
  • Is your instinct now to train more?
  • Stress is higher for everyone
  • Routines are gone
  • What to do if pool is closed?
  • Take it easy on Race Directors
  • Tune your heart to the right channel
  • You can’t have a big enough base
  • 5 hour ride changed to two hours
  • Best thing to do now is go back to the basics
  • How much time do you need to get ready for IM?
  • How to think about PEAKING
  • It’s a good example of how to get better
  • You want to be ready WHEN THE TIME COMES
  • This time can and should be a stress reliever
  • It’s a good time to delete tri-calc
  • Great time to create new habits
  • Relax and Rejuvenate
  • Keep the lungs clean and clear… move in fresh air
  • Evolution, growth and transformation


Looking for an awesome coach this season? Former Professional triathlete, Jessica Jacobs is now coaching for C26 Triathlon. Check out her bio and contact information at our Coaching Page on 

If you're looking for a great custom coaching plan, please check out the new C26 Systems Plan for 2020 at the new Coach Robbie will lay out your entire season (from 12-40 weeks) culminating at your A-Race. Take the confusion out of your entire year for only $499. The package includes team events, access to our online hub resource library, priority camp registration and more. 

Big Shout out to podcast listener and Wordpress designer Bobby Hughes for helping get the new off the ground. If you like what you see and may need a website, check out Bobby’s work at

You can also slide by which is now the official blog page for the podcast. Community and coaching information are at 

Our 2020 C26 Camps are sold out (other than swim camp) Find out more on our Camps Page.

If you'd like to support the Crushing Iron Podcast, hit up our Pledge Page and help us keep this podcast on the rails. Thanks in advance!

Are you thinking about raising your game or getting started in triathlon with a coach? Check out our Crushing Iron Coaching Philosophy Video

Please subscribe and rate Crushing Iron on YouTube and iTunes.

For information on the C26 Coach’s Eye custom swim analysis, coaching, or training camps email:

Facebook: CrushingIron
YouTube: Crushing Iron
Twitter: CrushingIron
Instagram: C26_Triathlon

Mike Tarrolly -
Robbie Bruce -

Mar 12, 2020

How do we respond when faced with uncertainty? There are a lot of unknowns at the moment and today we get back into the moment and focus on what we can control. Coach Robbie shares his change of plans and how he turned a negative into a positive. We look at the gut punch of cancelled races and the reality getting a better grip on our perspective. 

  • Life changes - Race Reality Check
  • Robbie’s 50 mile trail race
  • Excited about the opportunity to test yourself
  • Expressing your fitness
  • How changes can relieve stress
  • Reminders to what’s important
  • The Obstacle is the Way - Ryan Holiday
  • Don’t fail to remember wasted opportunities
  • When a race gets moved . . . adjust
  • Being attached to a race
  • Races have different meanings to us
  • We are never done
  • Doing the things that you can do matters
  • Expecting Races to Change Our Lives
  • Race day is just One Day . . . A Day
  • Check marks along the way
  • Feel good about yourself and be healthy
  • When we hide our feelings inside the race

Looking for an awesome coach this season? Former Professional triathlete, Jessica Jacobs is now coaching for C26 Triathlon. Check out her bio and contact information at our Coaching Page on 

If you're looking for a great custom coaching plan, please check out the new C26 Systems Plan for 2020 at the new Coach Robbie will lay out your entire season (from 12-40 weeks) culminating at your A-Race. Take the confusion out of your entire year for only $499. The package includes team events, access to our online hub resource library, priority camp registration and more. 

Big Shout out to podcast listener and Wordpress designer Bobby Hughes for helping get the new off the ground. If you like what you see and may need a website, check out Bobby’s work at

You can also slide by which is now the official blog page for the podcast. Community and coaching information are at 

Our 2020 C26 Camps are sold out (other than swim camp) Find out more on our Camps Page.

If you'd like to support the Crushing Iron Podcast, hit up our Pledge Page and help us keep this podcast on the rails. Thanks in advance!

Are you thinking about raising your game or getting started in triathlon with a coach? Check out our Crushing Iron Coaching Philosophy Video

Please subscribe and rate Crushing Iron on YouTube and iTunes.

For information on the C26 Coach’s Eye custom swim analysis, coaching, or training camps email:

Facebook: CrushingIron
YouTube: Crushing Iron
Twitter: CrushingIron
Instagram: C26_Triathlon

Mike Tarrolly -
Robbie Bruce -

Mar 9, 2020

Today we look at the coaching philosophy from Dan Lorang who helped make Jan Frodeno and Anne Haug BOTH Ironman Champions in 2019. We don’t always talk about pros, but amateurs can take a LOT away from these approaches to training and racing. The discussion was ignited by this article in from 220 Triathlon. We’ve been talking about a lot of this along the way, but today take a deeper dive into each of the elements both Frodeno and Haug said helped them become champions in Kona.

“His biggest ability is to slow me down, something no one before has ever done. This enabled me to get consistency, and not just amazing training days but actually okay days and good weeks that make very good months and great years.” – Jan Frodeno

Working for long-term results … identifying their physiology and what workouts they can handle, and build up from there.
“The well being of his athletes is always top priority” - Anne Haug
Slow, very healthy progressions… that peak and hold as long as you can… but never go overboard for a short-term goal.

With distance coaching there is a responsibility of the athlete to listen to their body and give good feedback.
Coaches need to analyze workload.
Supporting and empowering athlete decisions.
Short term decisions for long term results
How to manage Zone 2 Workouts

Build a complete triathlete that can react to any race scenario.
Ironman is about energy management.
Triathlon is ONE sport.
The swim may take the most effort to manage your weakness
“If you’re behind in the swim, it takes more on the bike to catch up… than it affects your run.” - Jan Frodeno


  1. Technique and vo2max - increase aerobic capacity
  2. Strength and endurance
  3. Economisation and race intervals

“Getting benefit from intervals and not only training long.” - Frodeno

It takes time to adapt to longer distances
Doing it faster risks injuries and failing
“The hardest thing for me when moving up from ITU races was the bike.” - Anne Haug
You have to be able to push big watts for a long period without drafting.

Easier to do intervals on the trainer - safer
Frodeno almost always runs outside.

Long uphill runs at low intensity for strength
Long runs intervals of 1km race pace 1km easy
You have to build a cake before you add icing
Running for IM racing is more about strength and endurance than speed…. Speed work mostly in prep for 70.3. … This year I couldn’t handle much high intensity - Haug


Don’t use races as training sessions. When you race, race.
Racing as a performance diagnostic…. prepare… then evaluate
If I’m on the start line, I want to go all-in - Haug


“…extremes never really work for me. The more I restrict myself, the worse I go.” - Frodeno


  • Not letting the pressure be too high on yourself
  • Concentrating on yourself and not others in training
  • Think about race tactics and training situations

Looking for an awesome coach this season? Former Professional triathlete, Jessica Jacobs is now coaching for C26 Triathlon. Check out her bio and contact information at our Coaching Page on 

If you're looking for a great custom coaching plan, please check out the new C26 Systems Plan for 2020 at the new Coach Robbie will lay out your entire season (from 12-40 weeks) culminating at your A-Race. Take the confusion out of your entire year for only $499. The package includes team events, access to our online hub resource library, priority camp registration and more. 

Big Shout out to podcast listener and Wordpress designer Bobby Hughes for helping get the new off the ground. If you like what you see and may need a website, check out Bobby’s work at

You can also slide by which is now the official blog page for the podcast. Community and coaching information are at 

Our 2020 C26 Camps are sold out (other than swim camp) Find out more on our Camps Page.

If you'd like to support the Crushing Iron Podcast, hit up our Pledge Page and help us keep this podcast on the rails. Thanks in advance!

Are you thinking about raising your game or getting started in triathlon with a coach? Check out our Crushing Iron Coaching Philosophy Video

Please subscribe and rate Crushing Iron on YouTube and iTunes.

For information on the C26 Coach’s Eye custom swim analysis, coaching, or training camps email:

Facebook: CrushingIron
YouTube: Crushing Iron
Twitter: CrushingIron
Instagram: C26_Triathlon

Mike Tarrolly -
Robbie Bruce -






Mar 5, 2020

Molly Seidel qualified for the Olympics in her first marathon. She's since talked about how she was training for the long term and "added" the Olympic trials. We talk about this lesson as it relates to being healthy, energized, and relaxed. We also get deep into how to taper, understanding how Garmin interprets your fitness, and how to use Best Bike Split. There's also bike handling, training with positive stress, and recovery.


  • Navigating that ship
  • East Nashville Tornado Recap from Mike
  • Positive stress
  • Taper Construction
  • Happy Birthday to BOTH of our Moms!
  • Understanding your Garmin Commands
  • Does Garmin really know?
  • Breaking down Best Bike Split
  • You’re not “riding the course” on your trainer
  • Molly Seidel’s focus on the long game
  • Chasing a date on the calendar
  • Feeling your BEST on race day
  • It’s better to be undertrained than overtrained
  • Fit AND Super Fresh
  • The danger of tempting fate
  • The TRUTH about how to taper
  • Taper doesn’t mean lazy
  • It’s not resting, it’s recovering
  • Keeping intensity while lowering volume
  • It’s often better not to have days off
  • It’s about staying sharp
  • The stress of bike handling in races
  • Getting outside to beat race day fears
  • Find a parking lot and work on skills

Looking for an awesome coach this season? Former Professional triathlete, Jessica Jacobs is now coaching for C26 Triathlon. Check out her bio and contact information at our Coaching Page on 

If you're looking for a great custom coaching plan, please check out the new C26 Systems Plan for 2020 at the new Coach Robbie will lay out your entire season (from 12-40 weeks) culminating at your A-Race. Take the confusion out of your entire year for only $499. The package includes team events, access to our online hub resource library, priority camp registration and more. 

Big Shout out to podcast listener and Wordpress designer Bobby Hughes for helping get the new off the ground. If you like what you see and may need a website, check out Bobby’s work at

You can also slide by which is now the official blog page for the podcast. Community and coaching information are at 

Our 2020 C26 Camps are sold out (other than swim camp) Find out more on our Camps Page.

If you'd like to support the Crushing Iron Podcast, hit up our Pledge Page and help us keep this podcast on the rails. Thanks in advance!

Are you thinking about raising your game or getting started in triathlon with a coach? Check out our Crushing Iron Coaching Philosophy Video

Please subscribe and rate Crushing Iron on YouTube and iTunes.

For information on the C26 Coach’s Eye custom swim analysis, coaching, or training camps email:

Facebook: CrushingIron
YouTube: Crushing Iron
Twitter: CrushingIron
Instagram: C26_Triathlon

Mike Tarrolly -
Robbie Bruce -

Mar 2, 2020

We've always been big on the mind/body connection and showing yourself grace in training and life. Today we look at what it takes to combine the physical and mental aspects of triathlon with a spiritual approach. This is about having faith in the process, giving right effort, paying attention, staying focused and learning through experience to gain wisdom.

  1. Faith – When most people talk about faith, it's tends to be of a blind faith in something. But in this case, he referred to it as "buy in." As in, actually "knowing." If, for example, a friend tells you something that is right several times, you have strong faith in that friend's advice. In the case of training, it means faith in your plan and your direction. Faith here is an open mind and a heart filled with trust so that we can reach levels of the unknown. FAITH ARISES OUT OF SEEING AND KNOWING FOR YOURSELF. INSPIRES AN OUTPOURING OF ENERGY.
  2. Effort – Obviously effort is the one thing we control and putting yourself into something without doubt (having faith) allows you to give more. You trust the plan, the movement, the path. And effort separates the achievers from the dreamers. Talent is one thing, but effort usually beats it.
  3. Mindfulness – This is at the core of everything we do. Are you here, right now, in the moment with what you're doing. This applies to everything we do in triathlon, including diet, fueling, and recovery. The more we are mindful of taking care of our body, the more it will be connected to what we would like it to do. PAYING ATTENTION TO WHAT’S GOING ON IN US AND AROUND US. LISTENING TO THE BODY.
  4. Focus – We believe in what we're doing, we're giving the right effort in a mindful way, now it's about focus. This really comes into play as we get close to a race. This isn't about squeezing your brain, though. It's a relaxed focus and the embrace of what many call a flow state. Just be with whatever is there. If you feel pain, fatigue, etc., don't judge yourself, just acknowledge it and move on. FOCUS ARISES NATURALLY OUT OF MINDFULNESS. ONE POINTED ATTENTION. IF YOU’RE MINDFUL OF YOUR BREATH, YOUR FOCUS MOVES WITH IT.
  5. Wisdom – We only gain wisdom through experience. By going through something, otherwise it's just a collection of your memories about something else deducing the best solution you can. Most times it's not real. We have to live something to really know what it's like. That's the importance of what going through a training plan gives and why I'm such a big proponent of writing things down. Thoughts, feelings, etc. Cement that wisdom so you can move forward with better solutions to problems you may face.



Looking for an awesome coach this season? Former Professional triathlete, Jessica Jacobs is now coaching for C26 Triathlon. Check out her bio and contact information at our Coaching Page on 

If you're looking for a great custom coaching plan, please check out the new C26 Systems Plan for 2020 at the new Coach Robbie will lay out your entire season (from 12-40 weeks) culminating at your A-Race. Take the confusion out of your entire year for only $499. The package includes team events, access to our online hub resource library, priority camp registration and more. 

Big Shout out to podcast listener and Wordpress designer Bobby Hughes for helping get the new off the ground. If you like what you see and may need a website, check out Bobby’s work at

You can also slide by which is now the official blog page for the podcast. Community and coaching information are at 

Our 2020 C26 Camps are sold out (other than swim camp) Find out more on our Camps Page.

If you'd like to support the Crushing Iron Podcast, hit up our Pledge Page and help us keep this podcast on the rails. Thanks in advance!

Are you thinking about raising your game or getting started in triathlon with a coach? Check out our Crushing Iron Coaching Philosophy Video

Please subscribe and rate Crushing Iron on YouTube and iTunes.

For information on the C26 Coach’s Eye custom swim analysis, coaching, or training camps email:

Facebook: CrushingIron
YouTube: Crushing Iron
Twitter: CrushingIron
Instagram: C26_Triathlon

Mike Tarrolly -
Robbie Bruce -