Think about what it takes to put together a PR . . . solid training, great mindset, optimal weather, perfect nutrition, incredible effort, and impeccable execution. Is that realistic for every race? Today, we get into a great discussion of how "just enough" in all those areas can come together, and while it may not mean a PR, it COULD mean a great performance. And a great performance should always be the goal.
The Complications of Chasing PRs
Detaching from Devices
Do you put too much weight on your numbers?
How do you FEEL?
How to build real and lasting appreciation
Are you Being Programmed to a pace or heart rate?
Virtual Triathlons
Link to article - Metric Fixation
What Does Race Day REALLY Represent??
What is your best PERFORMANCE?
Execution vs. Fitness
Are You Really Dialing In Nutrition?
Fueling On The Bike To Satisfy Your Run
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