What's the first thing most of us do when we get a PR, either in a race or workout? We usually try force it to happen again the very next time, just to prove that we can do it. But this can be the beginning of a bad road. Today we talk about the importance of building your chassis and engine together. It's all about balance, timing, and knowing how to recognize what you really need.
- Tennessee Fans Pile on Greg Schiano
- The Benefits of Yoga in Triathlon
- The Biggest Risk You Take When Building Speed
- How To Recognize If You Need More Speed or Strength Workouts
- Understanding the balance of hard and easy workouts
- Building Your Chassis To Handle Your Fast Engine
- The 3 Absolute Keys to Success In Triathlon
- How Triathletes Force Square Pegs In Round Holes
- Why Blunt Force is Never The Answer
- The Worst Thing To Do After A PR
- Swimming Slow to Get Fast
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