It’s not always fun to have a wake up call. Today, we get into the illusion of seeking dreams without putting in the work. Mike did a Sprint over the weekend and he had to take a long, hard look in the mirror. We get into riding on success from the past, and how 90% of life is just showing up . . . but most people don’t do the 10% which is learn from success or failure. We talk about confidence as a crutch, how it’s good to have a healthy fear hanging over you, and why we have to own our successes and failures. Eventually being unprepared will wear you down. Woulda, coulda, shoulda, only goes so far. When we have a big, exciting dream, we should go for it, but it ultimately boils down to doing the hard part, which is the actual work.
Coaching Inquiries
Mike Tarrolly -
Robbie Bruce -