Battling "funks" is a huge part of triathlon training, but do coaches get them too? Today, Coach Robbie opens up about why he can get down on himself after a race weekend and how he digs out. We also get into listener questions involving picking your next race, stepping up to the next distance, and planning for next season, along with explaining the keys for finding the biggest gains in all three disciplines. Mike addresses his failed podium prediction.
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Today's Topics:
Do Coaches Have Funks, Too?
The Never-Ending Quest To Find Better Ways
Pre-Race Plan Thought Process
Why listening and adjusting are the keys to coaching
When Should A Coach Give Tough Love or Encouragement?
Mike Recaps His Podium Prediction Fail
What is the smallest change an athlete could make in each discipline that would result in the largest gain? What little thing is holding you back?
When's the right time to start planning for next season?
What is the perfect race calendar? Does it have to go in order by distance? Where does camp best fit/benefit?
How do you know when the right time to move up to the next race distance? What should you look for?
How do you know when the right time to move up to the next race distance? What should you look for?
Would You Train if You Didn’t Race?
How Mike and Robbie Met
Planning for Ohio
Coach Robbie and Mike, along with 12 or so Crushing Iron coached athletes will be at Ohio 70.3 this year so please say hi if you see them around.
Looking for a fun weekend of training and meeting awesome people? Check out our 2019 Camp Schedule here.
Thanks for listening!
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