If you’re like most of us you excel at one or two of the three sports in triathlon. But guess what? Attacking your weaknesses can often improve the others as well. Today, we look at how and why to put more time into things you’re not good (or natural) at. This goes from spending more time in a certain sport to figuring out the little secrets to what Free Speed means with regard to racing. We get into the idea of shooting for the sun and landing on the moon along with what that REALLY MEANS. We can talk about things, plan them out, imagine certain outcomes, but it really comes down to doing work. And that might not always be the kind of work you think it is. The easier your “fast” feels, the longer you can hold it. But how do you get to that point? What are some good training strategies that make going fast feel easier?
Coaching Inquiries
Mike Tarrolly - CrushingIron@gmail.com
Robbie Bruce - C26Coach@gmail.com