Whether you’re a seasoned triathlete, or a beginner, there is a ton of great benefits from racing and training for Sprints and Olympics, and this cast will load you up. Today we talk about smart and healthy training as it applies to Sprints and Olympics, but it also translates into everything you do in this sport. We get into proper builds, looking at your month as one block of stress, spreading out stress to get more, accumulated fatigue, pacing and aerobic base. We also look at the importance of keeping training fun and learning every day. Training shouldn’t crush your body and spirit, it should be a path to getting more energy and enjoying life. Get serious about having fun and get much better in the process.
- Your first Sprint? Beginners in triathlon
- C26 Development Packages for Sprint and Olympic Racing
- C26 Mentors
- Why people get into this sport
- Short courses are a different beast
- To be your best, you need Aerobic Base
- The first top to Community
- The Best Athletes continue to build in Zone 1 & 2
- Increase your ability to be available
- If you hate running, you’re probably running too fast
- Not doing anything stupid will give you big gains
- Train to the shape you’re in
- How efficient do you move?
- Movement matters
- Focus on building your cake/skills
- Don’t fight it, let it flow
- Understand your body
- What feels good??
- Establish a steady, progressive routine
- Confidence/Faith/Patience
- Pacing is Racing . . .and training
- Look at the entire month as a block of stress
- Spread out stress points
- Once you get it rolling . . .
- The billions of benefits from endurance sports
- Accumulated fatigue
- Learn every day
- Overanalyzing . . .
- Keeping it fun
- Get serious about having fun
- Don’t burn out and fad away
- Watch ITU racing
Coaching Inquiries:
Mike Tarrolly - CrushingIron@gmail.com
Robbie Bruce - C26Coach@gmail.com