After your big race always comes the million dollar question: What can I do this off-season to be better next year? It can be a confusing time and it’s easy to think crushing things is the way to get faster. But today we look at an approach based on developing skills along with getting your mindset in a place to work on things you’re not good at OR don’t like. The off-season is a great time to give yourself time while looking at the goals after the goals. Things that used to work might not work anymore and you can find yourself in a perpetual loop where everything remains the same. Maybe it’s as simple as developing patience for your training. Building in a way that feels good and reclaims your body. Get better while feeling good and rekindle that passion.
Mike Tarrolly -
Robbie Bruce -
Ironman Chattanooga was a poster child for the challenge of being prepared for race day. The fast swim lulls you to sleep, then the rain on the bike, and hot and humid sunshine just in time for the run. We talk about different things that went wrong for a lot of athletes and how it can be prevented in training. We also go into pacing and how to practice it in training long before you blow up on the race course. We look at swim safety and why most theories don’t work. Training by and understanding effort and why it’s so important when your race plan goes to sh*t.
Mike Tarrolly -
Robbie Bruce -
It’s not the end of the race season, but today we answer questions from you and take a closer look at how you can truly get better this off season – along with tackle the comedown after your big race. We look at strength training and how it should compliment your goals, how to ease expectations after an injury or a funk, and how to strip training down so it is something you can look forward to. We joke about finisher shirts, discuss which bike you should be riding and when, and look at the importance of building lateral stability by either strength training or hitting the trails or mountain/gravel bikes. This is a good reminder that we have to be flexible and everything can’t always be “on.”
Mike Tarrolly -
Robbie Bruce -
Sooner or later, your top priority will be your health. Don't take it for granted.
Today starts with a question from the group on how to get out of a funk. We hear that a lot and today we get into the best ways to make make this sport something you really look forward to. We talk about the dangers of setting expectations and focusing on the “fast” part of endurance racing. We look at the “I can’t wait to…” endless cycle of getting out of the moment. We talk about what will truly get you to the start line with confidence. Choose to be present and energized for what comes today. And Just. Get. Healthy.
Mike Tarrolly -
Robbie Bruce -
What did we learn on the coaching from Ironman Wisconsin? Turns out a ton. We take a close look at the avalanche of energy and how it impacts a race. We look at why the swim is so important for the rest of your race. Especially on a course like this. We also talk about how to peak at the right time for your race. There’s nothing worse than training too hard and being burnt out way before you get there. We look how bad form on the run makes you work harder to go slower. We talk about overtraining on the run. We look at hills and the nutrition crutch. Having a plan B, C, D, and E. In races like this, it’s not usually about how fast you go, but how little you slow down.
Mike Tarrolly -
Robbie Bruce -
It wasn’t as much of a race as it was a battle of attrition. Today, we break down Ironman Wisconsin from the beginning of the swim through the brutal bike and the dark and lonely run. The emotions on this day were all over the map and we share stories from on the course and the spectator perspective. Roughly 1500 started and 1020 finished. No one expected that weather at Ironman Wisconsin, but it turned out to be one for the ages.
Mike Tarrolly -
Robbie Bruce -
How do you react when something doesn’t go your way? Today, Coach Robbie shares a very personal story about his sobriety and we tie it into things that can shake us up in a race. We can train well, taper perfectly, but something unexpected always seems to pop up on race day? How will you handle it? How can you get your mind straight, re-focus and turn it into a positive. We’re out there on our own and we need to find a way.
Mike Tarrolly -
Robbie Bruce -
We’re both racing this week at Wisconsin and we talk about what’s going on in our heads. We take a deeper dive into taper and look at what it should be feeling like. We talk about how to know if you’re peaking, how to keep the pop, and what not to be focusing on. Less than a week from Wisconsin 70.3 and Full… but this translates to everyone who has a race coming up this Fall. Handle your Race Week smart.
Mike Tarrolly -
Robbie Bruce -
You’ve come this far, don’t confuse “getting fresh” with being lazy. Taper means so many things to so many people, but today we look at the best ways to approach taper, both mentally and physically. We talk about everything from how to handle your workouts, to packing, and mental roller coasters throughout taper. We look at phantom pains, visualizing and a gradual recovery. We also talk about your plan when you GET to the race so you can stay focused and on point. Stay in your zone, don’t let the body shut down, and get rid of as much life stress as you can.
Mike Tarrolly -
Robbie Bruce -
“Doubters don’t win, winners don’t doubt.”
Today we lead with that quote and get into the concept of being optimistic with a healthy dose of respect. We also look at expectations created in a vacuum and putting your brain into a pressure cooker. Sometimes all you need is a little glimmer of hope. Find that and be in the moment. We look at the importance of resilience and patience in your race. This is one day and at the bottom line you have to have your wits about you on the run and be willing to fight for 12 rounds.
Mike Tarrolly -
Robbie Bruce -
Since we’re both racing and know this course pretty well, we thought we’d get it out there early so you can prepare for a few things. We start with the two loop swim and some thoughts on when to start to avoid congestion, plus when and where it could get choppy. We have an extensive look at strategy for the bike course including thoughts on why certain sections are harder than you might think. And the run course… where to be thinking about holding back. When to mentally prepare for the hill section and how do deal with the longer lonely stretch. We also talk finish line, and spectator tips.
Mike Tarrolly -
Robbie Bruce -
Today we talk about our training for Wisconsin and explore some of the different techniques and mindsets we’re bringing to the races. We look at layering intensity in the same day, building resistance to hard stuff, and how to prevent yourself from dipping into energy reserves too early. We look at swimming long, biking hard, and running steady. We also talk a lot about ways to control your race while you’re in it and why it’s so important to focus on executing to your fitness level.
Mike Tarrolly -
Robbie Bruce -
Is society addicted to excitement? Today we look at ways triathletes fall off the rails and lose their way. We talk about racing as getting better and being part of your process. We also look at ways to keep things simple so you’re not so distracted with training and life. We talk about rebelling against your own ultimatums and setting realistic goals that keep you motivated rather than afraid. It’s easy to lose the moment but we believe the simpler you keep things the happier and faster you will be.
Mike Tarrolly -
Robbie Bruce -
High Humidity and Dew Point are your friends. Training through tough days pays off in so many ways. They are like Mother Nature’s Freebies that give you that Seasonal EPO when you need it for Fall Races. Never judge a day by the weather and find little wins in those “worst workout ever” days. Mental victories is what make you a stronger triathlete on race day. Find the good in the bad and move on. Putting too much stock in a single workout isn’t the answer. Look for effortless momentum. Racing a sum of all the days.
Mike Tarrolly -
Robbie Bruce -
So much of training and racing is mental that we went all in on it today. How to deal with doubts, heat, and feeling tired. We look at why we get tired and why often it’s as simple as breaking a pattern. How do you keep going when the mind says no? We talk about ways to be more engaged in a race, along with in-race recovery along with training methods to keep things interesting and give you confidence . . . even when it’s fleeting. Controlling thoughts and calming the mind is truly one of the greatest things you can do for your training and racing.
Mike Tarrolly -
Robbie Bruce -
Today we get into the concept of missing out on life changing events. We recently read that most adults will end up spending a total of 5 years looking at your phone. And why? Probably because it’s easier than facing something that scares us. Sometimes we lose sight of why triathlon is important to us and it’s likely because we’re too close to it. Today we get into tackling life and putting ourselves out there to feel better and make things easier. Do it for yourself and be filled with gratitude. Do it because you Can.
Mike Tarrolly -
Robbie Bruce -
Today, it’s cycling and what makes you stronger, faster and more efficient. How do you get there? We get into cycling blocks and why they may or may not be your answer. Do you even have the fitness to attempt one? We look at having a master plan of attack. We talk intervals and intensity and power. We look at “stress buckets” and how you have to reduce one to fill the other. We also get into a nice little nugget toward the end about the Importance of Zone 2 riding and how you can do it more effectively.
Mike Tarrolly -
Robbie Bruce -
How do we absolutely know when we’re ready to race? Today, we look at how athletes produce non-objective expectations and why that can build unwelcome anxiety. We tend to want concrete answers, but that’s just not possible. At some point we just have to do it. This goes with many things in life beyond racing. We get into rewiring pathways to create more confidence and reduce doubt. We look at small decisions along the way in training that build confidence. We also talk about practicing getting over the little humps and how small decisions create positive momentum.
Mike Tarrolly -
Robbie Bruce -
There’s a lot of good stuff in the weeds of today’s listener questions. Today we get into simplifying a complicated sport, timing mats, and if we’ll do Musselman some day. We also look at DNF rates across the sport, and why they seem more prevalent. We also give strategy for the Ironman Wisconsin bike Course, talk about ways to beat burnout and Ironman Blues, along with Kona 2023 and why Robbie’s son Hayden is a fan of Kristian Blummenfelt.
Mike Tarrolly -
Robbie Bruce -
A lot of things go through your mind with an Ironman approaching and today, we go through Mike’s big “test” weekend from Wisconsin. He talks about why he’s waiting to decide and how close he is to pulling the trigger. We also talk about Ohio, which turned out to be a tough swim, then dive right into a “tough love” session about swimming and how you can be more prepared to race. We break down tons of in-race issues and decisions you can make to race better along with question why Ironman is always trying to make the swim seem “easy.” Be mentally and physically ready to race by exposing yourself to what it’s going to take on the course.
Mike Tarrolly -
Robbie Bruce -
Everyone wants to talk about diet, hydration, and sleep, but what about feeling connected to life, training, and purpose? Today, we look at how connecting, not only to others, but to your body and true desires can give you the lessons you need to be successful in sport and life. We get into how to approach training with the idea that you’re on the verge of getting sick. How to approach fatigue and the feeling of illness coming on. We talk about the importance of minimal effective dose and why that’s so important for the long run. If you want to go fast, go alone, if you want to go far, bring other people with you. There’s a lot of power in walking away from something that is done versus continuing to add more and more layers.
Mike Tarrolly -
Robbie Bruce -
This is our 600th podcast, but there’s no fanfare… we just keep showing up. We started doing only Monday and Thursday, but sometimes that didn’t always work out for us and staying too regimented could made us lose steam. Be flexible, recover, do what’s right for the long-term growth. Today we dive into mid-season training and how tough it can be to stay motivated when you might not be seeing a ton of progress in the heat. We look at ways to find the little wins that keep you going toward the big goals. We talk about subtle clues, and training relative to how you feel. Also talk about ways to reframe your days off and maximize recovery days. We do this to be healthy and happy, so learn to appreciate how triathlon is helping you on a day to day level.
Mike Tarrolly -
Robbie Bruce -
How much are you learning during training? Today we talk about the connection between training and racing.
We really get into race execution and strategy and how workouts should prepare you to make the best decisions when it matters. Are you a trainer or gamer? The most “trained up” don’t necessarily make the best tracers. It’s all about execution on the race course. How will what you’re doing now affect you later? Both in training and racing. We also look at 3 types of training athletes and break down the type of athlete that races the best.
Mike Tarrolly -
Robbie Bruce -
Today we revisit our why and how it can be difficult to keep the right perspective on why we do hard things. For a lot of people “easy” is the new “right” but triathletes take the hard route. The mind will give out before the body and there are hundreds of triggers telling you to stop or quit. The “told you so” folks are always out there. This has to be your journey and there’s a lot more reward from choosing the tougher path. Don’t be afraid to fail. Throw yourself to the elements and be alive.
Mike Tarrolly -
Robbie Bruce -
We had some fun today with visiting some memories of our C26 Journey and facing some tough questions from each other. It’s a glimpse into some of our favorite times together, some glimpses into the future, along with tackling regrets. What would we want in our ideal worlds?
Robbie asks Mike: When all is said and done, what is the one memory you’ll take with you after you retire from C26?
Mike asks Robbie: I know it was kind of a rough year, but there were also some good memories…. What were some of your favorite things about coaching me to my first Ironman in 2013?
Robbie asks Mike: If cost or time wasn’t an issue, what would be the very last race you would choose to do?
Mike asks Robbie: If you weren’t a triathlon coach…. What would you choose for your career outside of sports and why?
Robbie asks Mike: After all you’ve accomplished in sports and life, what’s your biggest regret?
Mike asks Robbie: As Hayden has already determined, you’re a triathlete COACH, but … in a different world…. Describe for me your ultimate triathlon living situation as an athlete…
Robbie asks Mike: Will you be racing this year?
Mike asks Robbie: Would you rather Fly to Australia …. Or sit in an isolated room listening to Stephen A Smith talk about Alabama Football and Tom Brady for 24 hours?
Robbie asks Mike: Would you rather swim Ironman Wisconsin without a wetsuit or bike Wisconsin in a speedo?
Mike Tarrolly -
Robbie Bruce -