Today we give you all the secrets to more enjoyable training, which will obviously transfer into better racing . . . and maybe even a happier life.
Are you going about your training in the right places with the right approach?
- Summer is here . . .
- Finding routes you enjoy
- Having great training options
- It’s hard to get burned out
- Finding a groove that works for you
- Refusing to run or ride inside
- Knowing what works
- The wind
- Power meters and FTP tests
- The pool vs. a lake
- Watts inside vs. Out
- Cycling outside is a total mental shift
- Running outside vs. treadmill
- Training routes that check the boxes
- Spontaneity and adventure
- Going with what feels right
- Figuring things out through experience
- Pro racing vs. amateur racing
- Feeling younger as you get older
- You’re either hurt or getting better
- Running shoe talk - Newton’s, K Swiss
- Over seeking comfort
Mike Tarrolly -
Robbie Bruce -