Pre-Race for Ohio 70.3
Seasonal Doping
Easing Into Runs and Rides
Why Zero To 60 Can Ruin Your Race
Mountain Biking Pros and Cons
Two 70.3's in a month
DTT - Deserved Triathlon Time
Bad Day Or Bonk?
Life Stresses and How They Affect Training
The Hill Climbing Mindset
Climate Change Racing
Coach Robbie and Mike, along with 12 or so Crushing Iron coached athletes will be at Ohio 70.3 this year so please say hi if you see them around.
Looking for a fun weekend of training and meeting awesome people? Check out our 2019 Camp Schedule here.
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For information on the C26 Coach’s Eye custom swim analysis, coaching, or training camps email:
Facebook: CrushingIron
YouTube: Crushing Iron
Twitter: CrushingIron
Instagram: C26_Triathlon